Earlier this year, SNK released SNK Vs Capcom: The Match of the Millennium on Nintendo Switch. This brought one of the Neo Geo Pocket Color games I heard a lot about to a modern platform. This Switch release was actually the first time it was released since the original Neo Geo Pocket Color release. Having already played the Nintendo Switch version a lot and enjoyed it quite a bit, I was mostly interested in the Steam version to see how it feels with Steam’s Remote Play Together functionality.

If you’ve not heard of SNK Vs Capcom: The Match of the Millennium, it is a collaboration release that saw the best of SNK and Capcom fighters come together in a content-packed release with loads of unlockables, 26 fighters, mini-games, local co-op, and more. The Steam version includes everything the Switch version of SNK Vs Capcom: The Match of the Millennium has. The Tourney, Vs Mode, Olympic mini-games, practice, mode and tag options when applicable are all here. These mini-games are nice time wasters and serve as a nice addition over what is already a fighting game with a lot of content.

When it comes to the roster, all the essentials like Mai Shiranui, Chun-Li, Morrigan, Terry Bogard, Ryu, and more are included here. There are unlockable characters as well. If you already played a lot of SNK Vs Capcom: The Match of the Millennium on Switch, you know the drill here. The PC version of SNK Vs Capcom: The Match of the Millennium includes controller support and keyboard control options. You can use the mouse to go in and out of menus but can’t actually use it for gameplay barring bringing up the pause menu. The buttons are all rebindable for controller and keyboard gameplay as well which is a nice touch. SNK Vs Capcom: The Match of the Millennium automatically switches button prompts depending on what input it detects across keyboard and controllers.
Just like the Switch version, SNK Vs Capcom: The Match of the Millennium looks great on PC. There are no display options for the port itself barring the ability to go in and out of fullscreen. Code Mystics has includes all the skins and filter options the Switch version had with zoom options. These great visuals and skin options go well with the music that has many classic themes from both SNK and Capcom sides redone to fit the platform. For modern conveniences, this release also lets you rewind quite a bit during gameplay. As an extra just like the Switch version, scans of the manual are also included here.

What makes SNK Vs Capcom: The Match of the Millennium worth getting on Steam is the way Steam’s Remote Play Together allows you to basically play it online with a friend anywhere. SNK Vs Capcom: The Match of the Millennium doesn’t have online support by itself, but Valve’s Remote Play Together let me play against a friend abroad very easily. Once you understand how to get the feature working in general, you are a few clicks away from playing SNK Vs Capcom: The Match of the Millennium online. Given the distance between myself and my friend, it worked surprisingly well and felt better than the online experience I’ve had in some newer fighters on PC.

If you already bought SNK Vs Capcom: The Match of the Millennium on Nintendo Switch, the main draw is the Steam Remote Play functionality here. Barring that, it is always good to see more classics get released on PC. SNK Vs Capcom: The Match of the Millennium remains an excellent release for its low asking price and I hope Code Mystics continues to do more great work like this. While the game is definitely not as feature rich as modern fighters, it is an essential purchase at its low asking price if you are a fan of either Capcom or SNK fighters.