As with Pokemon Sword and Shield: The Isle of Armor, The Pokemon Company and Nintendo just showcased The Crown Tundra content for Pokemon Sword and Shield. Pokemon Sword and Shield players can buy the Pokemon Sword Expansion Pass and Pokemon Shield Expansion Pass respectively to get both expansions. These include The Isle of Armor and The Crown Tundra. Details for The Isle of Armor (available now) are here. The pass needs to be bought for both games if you own both games and want all the content. Today, The Crown Tundra DLC expansion release date was announced with a new video that also revealed a new bundle physical release. This expansion includes legendary Pokemon from past games and much more. Watch the trailer below:
Pokemon Sword and Shield Expansion Bundle Pack
This bundle includes Pokemon Sword and its own expansion pass or Pokemon Shield and its own expansion pass. The showcase video mentioned the contents are included on a single game card for each game meaning the DLC will be on cartridge. I will update this once a price point is announced. The contents are same as if you buy the game standalone and get the expansion pass from the eShop.

Pokemon Sword and Shield is available now on Nintendo Switch. The Crown Tundra DLC expansion releases on October 22 or October 23 depending on your timezone. The bundle pack for the base game and the expansion pack for both Pokemon Sword and Shield will release on November 6.