Streets of Rage 4 from Dotemu, Guard Crush, and Lizard Cube is a brilliant beat ’em up currently available on all consoles and PC. Today, Dotemu announced the Streets of Rage 4 Mr X Nightmare DLC and Survival Mode release date for all platforms. Streets of Rage 4 Mr X Nightmare DLC will launch on July 15 for $7.99 on all platforms. PS4 and Nintendo Switch get a new physical release with DLC included coming this September. Watch the new Streets of Rage 4 Survival Mode and Mr X Nightmare release date trailer below:
Streets of Rage 4 Anniversary Edition physical release with DLC included for Nintendo Switch and PS4
Merge Games will be releasing Streets of Rage 4 Anniversary Edition on PS4 and Nintendo Switch including the base game and the Mr X Nightmare DLC as a complete edition. This will release on September 24 with pre-orders now live.

Streets of Rage 4 is available now on PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC. Check out my review of the Nintendo Switch version here.