Capcom recently showcased the Street Fighter V: Champion Edition Winter Update with reveals for Street Fighter V: Champion Edition Season 5, a new premium pass, details for the upcoming Rose character DLC, the release date for Dan, and more. A new V-Shift system was also showcased during the stream. Street Fighter V version 3.05 update or the Street Fighter V Season 5 update has just started rolling out worldwide on PS4 and PC via Steam. This brings in Dan, the V-Shift system, and a lot more with balance adjustments across the board. The Street Fighter V: Champion Edition version 3.05 update download size is 27.5GB on PS4 and 21GB on Steam. Watch the full Dan gameplay trailer for the Street Fighter V: Champion Edition below:
Street Fighter V Champion Edition version 3.05 patch notes
The new contents for the update are below:
– Playable Character
— Dan
– Character
— Eleven
(Bonus content available to those who purchase the Season 5 Premium Pass/Character Pass.)
– Stage
— The Grid Alternative (free)
— The Grid 4 (free)
– Costumes
— Additional costume “Story”: Dan
— Additional Costume “Battle Outfit 1”: Dan
— Additional Costume “Nostalgia”: Dan
— Additional Costume “Ad Style”: Dan (free)
— Additional Costume “Track Suit”: Dan (free)
— Additional Costume “Sporty”: Ed
— Additional Costume “Sporty”: Menat
— Additional Costume “Sporty”: Lucia
— Additional Costume “Killer Bee”: Cammy
V-Shift is a defensive mechanic that consumes one stock of V-Gauge to parry an attack and distance yourself from the opponent. By pressing MK+HP again (or continue to hold the input) during the action after a successful parry, you can perform a counterattack known as a VShift Break. A V-Shift can be performed at any time as long as the character is on the
ground and able to move freely. This is one way in which the mechanics differs greatly from V-Reversals. Additionally, V-Reversals always restore stun on activation, whether on hit or block. However, V-Shifts do not guarantee a set effect. Whether or not the parry is successful and the effect is triggered depends on the opponent’s move the timing of the V-Shift, etc., meaning player judgment is needed to maximize its utility. Though it’s a somewhat difficult system to master, it provides players with a defensive option against attacks/combos that are hard to counter. For more on V-Shifts, please see the in-game demonstrations and the frame data at the Shadaloo Combat Research Institute.
Combo Count Display:
Henceforth “combo count” will be divided into three types: “combo-count start value”, “combo count gain”, and “combo count limit”. Air combos in Street Fighter V are organized into these three types of combo count; their details are as follows.
- Combo-Count Start Value:
The numerical value used to indicate when an air combo starts from a particular move. The smaller this value is, the easier it to begin an air combo from that move, and vice versa. - Combo Count Gain:
The numerical value added when a move is incorporated into an air combo. The smaller the combo count gain is, the easier it is to continue the combo, vice versa. - Combo Count Limit:
A numerical value used to determine up to when a move can land in an air combo. The larger the limit, the easier it is to incorporate into a combo.
Adjustments to Anti-Air Properties of Grounded Normal Attacks
Special Counterable States from Some Anti-Airs
In-Place/Back Recovery
Initial Combo-Scaling of Throws
Street Fighter V Champion Edition version 3.05 update balance adjustments for Season 5
Check out the full balance adjustments for Season 5 here.
Street Fighter V Champion Edition version 3.05 update PS4 details
- New character and stage added
Street Fighter V: Champion Edition Season 5 pass price and contents
The Street Fighter V: Champion Edition Season 5 Character Pass is priced at $24.99 internationally and Rs. 1,999 on Steam and Rs. 2,081 on the PS Store in India with pre-orders now live. The Street Fighter V: Champion Edition Season 5 Premium Pass is priced at $39.99 internationally and Rs. 3,199 on Steam and Rs. 3,330 on the PS Store in India. The contents are below:
- Season 5 Premium Pass
- All five Season 5 Characters and Costume Colors 3-10
- 26 New Costumes
- 2 New Stages
- All costume colors for all Season 5 characters
- 8 Titles
- Bonus Content: Eleven
- 100,000 Fight Money (available immediately at purchase!)
- Exclusive PS4 Themes and Steam wallpapers (available immediately at purchase!)

- Season 5 Character Pass
- All five Season 5 Characters and Costume Colors 3-10
- 5 Battle Costumes (one for each Season 5 Character)
- 6 Titles
- Bonus Content: Eleven
- Exclusive PS4 Themes and Steam wallpapers (available immediately at purchase!)

Street Fighter V: Champion Edition is now available on PS4 and Steam. Read my review here.
Updated on February 22, 2021 at 1:15 PM – Added patch notes and balance adjustments.