Rune Factory 5 from Xseed Games and Marvelous is finally available in the West on Nintendo Switch. If you’ve not gotten it yet, read my Rune Factory 5 Switch review here. The newest entry in the series has some interesting changes to the core gameplay while retaining many aspects of what I love about Rune Factory 4. In Rune Factory 5, you need to unlock crafting and forging among other features through licenses. This Rune Factory 5 cooking and forging guide will help you unlock cooking, crafting, forging, and more.

How to unlock cooking in Rune Factory 5
Talk to Saint Eliza at the Rigbarth outpost for a directive. Then select licenses. You need to spend 200p to take the cooking license test. Once you answer the basic questions, you will have unlocked cooking and can buy the cooking table from Studio Palmo. The answers are very simple as you need a cooking table, more RP to cook, and to cook more dishes as the responses.
Rune Factory 5 Pro Cooking License
Once you spend 500p at Saint Eliza, you can take on the Pro Cooking License Test. Answering the questions correctly will let you purchase a new cooking table from Studio Palmo and add extra ingredients, vegetables, and more. The answers here also very simple. They are: vegetables, edible ingredients, cook at a higher level, and higher RP to cook.
How to unlock forging in Rune Factory 5
Talk to Saint Eliza at the Rigbarth outpost for a directive. Then select licenses. You need to spend 200p to take the forging license test. Once you answer the basic questions, you will have unlocked forging and can buy the forge from Studio Palmo. The license test answers are: materials and RP, blacksmith, and less RP to forge.

How to unlock more recipes in Rune Factory 5 for cooking and forging
Keep buying recipe bread from the Sweet Hearth daily to unlock more recipes and also use the facilities you have unlocked to learn new recipes.
Hopefully this helps with cooking, forging, and more in Rune Factory 5.
Rune Factory 5 is out now on Nintendo Switch.