At the Nintendo Direct that just aired a few hours ago, Nintendo revealed a localisation of the previously only announced for Japan Famicom Detective Club remakes. Famicom Detective Club: The Missing Heir and Famicom Detective Club: The Girl Who Stands Behind release this May worldwide with English text. The games are available individually for $34.99 each or as a bundle with a $10 discount. Watch the Famicom Detective Club: The Missing Heir and Famicom Detective Club: The Girl Who Stands Behind trailer below:
Famicom Detective Club Nintendo Switch physical release
A Famicom Detective Club Nintendo Switch physical release has only been announced for Japan right now. Hopefully it gets one worldwide or the Japanese release includes English.

Famicom Detective Club: The Missing Heir and Famicom Detective Club: The Girl Who Stands Behind release on May 14 for Nintendo Switch.