Street Fighter 6 is out now for PS5, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, and Steam worldwide. If you’ve not kept up with the game, details for the game modes and more are here. Check out my Street Fighter 6 complete DLC guide as well for the editions, prices, and more. Read my full review of the game here. With today’s launch, there is a lot you’d want to know going in. This guide will be spoiler-free unless otherwise noted. This guide will include spoilers for Manon being in World Tour. Details are below the screenshot.

How to unlock Paris in Street Fighter 6 World Tour
You can unlock Fete Foraine in Paris doing the quest below.
How to unlock Manon as a Master in Street Fighter 6 World Tour
Manon is a secret Master in Street Fighter 6 World Tour. To unlock her, you need to do a specific side quest called “Extra”.
Street Fighter 6 Extra quest walkthrough
Talk to Manager Oscar who is level 20 near your hideout / Beat Square.
Buy a Gi top (4060 Zenny) and Gi Bottom (3500 Zenny).
Talk to Manager Oscar at Beat Square during the day.
You clear the mission.
Talk to Oscar again and say you are all set.
This will take you to France and put you into a cut-scene.
Talk to the Extra.
Fight three extras.
Talk to Manager Oscar for another cut-scene.
Fight Manon who is level 18 and win both rounds.
You are now enrolled and unlock Manon as a master in SF6 World Tour.
Make sure to check out the store and new customization options available.

Street Fighter 6 launch roster list
The full 18 character base game roster for Street Fighter 6 is below:
- Luke
- Jamie
- Manon
- Kimberly
- Marisa
- Lily
- JP
- Juri
- Dee Jay
- Cammy
- Ryu
- E. Honda
- Blanka
- Guile
- Ken
- Chun-Li
- Zangief
- Dhalsim
Street Fighter 6 Year 1 DLC characters
The DLC characters are:
- A.K.I.
- Akuma
- Rashid
- Ed
It is going to be interesting to see what else Capcom has planned for Street Fighter 6 this year and beyond.
Street Fighter 6 is out now worldwide for PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam.