Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty from Koei Tecmo and Team Ninja was revealed at the Microsoft showcase last year, and it is finally out now worldwide. The new action RPG masocore experience from Team Ninja featuring Fumihiko Yasuda (Nioh) and Masaaki Yamagiwa (Bloodborne) is available on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and Steam. Read my review of the game here. Koei Tecmo and Team Ninja have now released the Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty version 1.13 update for PS5, PS4, and Steam with patch notes below. This update is the second small update following the major update that brought in the Battle of Zhongyuan DLC support and more. The download size is 211MB on PS5 ( version1.013.000). If you missed the recent news, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is now Steam Deck Verified by Valve.
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty version 1.13 update patch notes
All Platforms
- Made changes so that, if one of the two Hidden Tomes made available by defeating a boss had already been acquired, the likelihood of the boss dropping the second Hidden Tome will be higher.
- Made changes so that enemies’ movements during battle will pause while the notification about obtaining Hidden Tomes is displayed.
- Made upward adjustments to the duration of the Wizardry Spell Frozen Shot and the proportion of Ice damage bound to the weapon.
- Improved the camera behavior when locking on to Bingcan.
- Made changes so that a UI indicating that an affinity took place would be displayed when using the Five Phases to make talismans produced by the General of Heaven’s Illusion disappear.
- Improved the visibility of Demonized Dian Wei’s Critical Blow, in which he shoots projectiles.
- Made upward adjustments to the accessory drop rate increase granted by the special effect Drop Priority (Accessories).
- Made changes so that the special effects Cestus Damage Increase and Cestus Spirit Damage Increase may be applied to cestuses.
- Made upward adjustments to the potential rarities of drop items within treasure chests in the following battlefields from “Extra Story 1: Battle of Zhongyuan”:
- Main battlefield “A Solitary Resistance”
- Main battlefield “Sons of the Yellow Heaven”
- Main battlefield “In the Name of Elai”
- Sub battlefield “A Requiem for the Deceased”
Major Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that made it impossible for the player to progress if their Co-op team disbanded while a tutorial including videos was open on their screen.
- Fixed a bug that allowed players to go outside the bounds of the current stage from certain locations in some stages.
- Fixed a bug in which character and stage models would no longer be displayed after accepting a Co-op invitation from the Travel menu.
- Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause the screen to go dark just after using the Travel function to begin a mission.
- Fixed a bug that enabled players to break Oil Pots with some Wizardry Spells from Phases other than the Fire Phase.
- Fixed a bug that prevented players from locking on to Bingcan when it appeared.
- Fixed a bug that prevented damage from being dealt by the second blow of the Fatal Strike sequence when performed against Huodou.
- Fixed a bug occurring in the sub battlefield “Beyond the Heavens,” in which some Divine Beasts would not perform their attack sequence when Summon Divine Beast was activated.
- Fixed a bug that granted the special effect Dual Halberds Damage to cestuses.
- Fixed a bug in which Bingcan, despite having been set to the status of a leader, would not yield appropriate levels of drop rewards in some battlefields.
- Fixed a bug occurring during Co-op sessions in the sub battlefield “An Everlasting Regret,” that prevented players from obtaining clear reward items if they had not been the one to open the treasure chests containing said items.
- Made alterations so that players can now discard duplicates of non-discardable equipment with the same name so that they possess only one remaining piece.
- Fixed a bug in which the value displayed for the special effect Max Equipment Weight was higher than the actual value granted.
- Fixed a bug that caused the copyright to be displayed twice in the Photograph menu.
- Fixed a bug that occurred if the player was defeated in a certain way in the sub battlefield “Tactical Exercises,” which would cause the information above the boss’ head to remain even after the player returned to the battlefield.
- Fixed other minor bugs.
PlayStation 5 / PlayStation 4 Versions
Additional Features
- Made changes so that blocked players will no longer be displayed in the search results when matching on the same platform.
- Adaptations for cross-platform matching are planned for future patches.
PlayStation 5 Version
Major Bug Fixes
- Alleviated lagging when the network is online.
PlayStation 4 Version
Major Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause the game to crash after loading when running the PlayStation®4 software on the PlayStation®5 console.
Steam / Microsoft Store Versions
Major Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that would sometimes prevent the mouse selection operations from working properly after opening the Titles menu.
- Fixed other minor bugs.
Xbox Game Pass
Major Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that occurred when playing the base game without having purchased the add-on content “Battle of Zhongyuan,” which would cause the incorrect save data to be generated, making it impossible for players to resume the game.
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty version 1.12 update patch notes
All Platforms
Major Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause the game to crash when left idle in the “travel” screen under certain condition.
- Fixed a bug that would prevent the player to advance in the game, if “Baishe” is defeated in “Fall of the Corrupted Eunuch” after a recruited guest player had retreated from battle.
- Fixed a bug that caused items to duplicate on “Battle Set” menu.
- A patch to support players with duplicated items that cannot be disposed is currently under development.
- Fixed a bug that would prevent players from switching wizardry spells correctly if “Type C”, “Type D” or “Type E” is selected in “Control Setting”.
- Fixed a bug in which Dian Wei’s armor and Xu Chu’s armor were swapped with one another in the Reinforcements menu.
- Fixed a bug in which player character’s head would not show correctly if “Loyal Drunk Headband” or “Crimson Night Headpiece” is equipped in a certain way.
- Fixed other minor bugs
PlayStation 4 Versions
Major Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause the game to crash upon entering “The Valley of Crying Wraiths”.
Steam / Microsoft Store Versions
Major Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause the game to crash upon returning to the game under following combination of graphic settings.
- Resolution Scaling: AMD FSR2
- Screen Resolution: 3840×2160
- HDR: Enabled
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty version 1.11 update patch notes
This update is 1.10 in-game despite showing up as 1.11 on PS4. The patch notes are below:
DLC “Battle of Zhongyuan”
- ▷How to Play “Battle of Zhongyuan”
- The following contents will be unlocked by purchasing the DLC “Battle of Zhongyuan” or the “Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Season Pass.”
- Added the new story “Battle of Zhongyuan.”
- Players must first complete the main battlefield “Tyrant’s Final Banquet” in the main game to play “Battle of Zhongyuan.”
- Added cestuses as a new weapon category.
- These weapons will be available from the beginning of the game.
- After the DLC is applied, players may claim a cestus for free via Deliveries in the Battle Flag menu.
- Cestuses will be added to reward and dropped item lotteries.
- Added the higher difficulty mode “Path of the Soaring Dragon.”
- Players can unlock this difficulty by conquering a certain number of battlefields under the difficulty “Path of the Rising Dragon.”
- In “Path of the Soaring Dragon,” it is now possible to obtain equipment with upgrade levels and rarities higher than the current maximum level, and the maximum cap for players’ levels and Morale Ranks will have been increased.
- Added new demons and enemies.
- Added a new Divine Beast.
- Added new weapons, armor, and accessories.
- Added set bonuses exclusive to equipment obtainable in “Path of the Rising Dragon.”
- Added new accolade rewards.
- Added new trophies and achievements.
- Added new titles and records.
Free Updates
- Added “NARAKA: BLADEPOINT” collaboration equipment sets “Loyal Drunk” and “Crimson Night.”
- After applying the update, these items can be claimed via Deliveries in the Battle Flag menu.
- After these items have been claimed via Deliveries, they may be obtained as possible drop rewards from enemies.
- The appearance and name of these items will change depending upon the figure type selected in Character Creation.
- Made it possible to set 8 Wizardry Spells.
- This can be done via Set Wizardry Spells.
- Please refer to “Wizardry Spells” under Tutorial for instructions on how to switch Spells in-game.
- Added 10 new Wizardry Spells.
- Players can use these new spells by obtaining the item Hidden Tomes.
- These tomes can be obtained as possible drops after defeating bosses on the Path of the Rising Dragon and beyond.
- Added the feature “Store Genuine Qi.”
- Players will be able to use this feature by accessing the Level Up menu upon reaching the maximum level.
- This allows players to store Genuine Qi so that it will not be lost upon their death.
- Added the consumable item Handheld Gong.
- This item may be obtained as possible drop rewards from some enemies.
- Added a new Martial Arts technique Turning Clouds, which can be used with straight sabres, swords, and curbed sabres.
- This technique will be randomly assigned upon acquiring an applicable weapon.
- Added new special effects.
- These special effects will be randomly assigned to equipment in the same way as existing special effects.
- Made changes so that equipment upgrade levels and rarities will now be displayed on the screen when rewards are acquired.
- Made changes so that Undistributed Virtues will be displayed in the Level Up menu.
- Added a function to display a list of currently owned Jewelry Essence on the Embedment screen in the Blacksmith menu or in the Inventory menu.
- Added a function to compare a piece of equipment with another in the Inventory menu.
- Made changes so that the remaining and maximum number of uses of the Dragon’s Cure Pot will be displayed in the Inventory menu.
- Made it possible to filter the items within the storehouse from the Blacksmith menu.
- Added a function to preview the appearance of the item before applying the decoration.
- Made changes so that players can set or remove Favorites and Lock on an item with a single button in the Inventory and Blacksmith menus.
- This is also possible in the Equipment menu.
- Favorites and Lock can be set or removed separately in the Inventory and Blacksmith menus by pressing the Confirm.
- Made changes so that the tutorial videos for Martial Arts are accessible in the Equipment and Inventory menus will switch automatically.
- Made it possible for players to browse the upgrade levels and rarities of their companions’ equipment via Companion Details in the Co-op menu.
- Added the new filters Bleach Bypass and Glitch to the Photograph menu.
- Made it possible for players to check equipment upgrade levels, rarities, and special effects via Battle Sets in the Battle Preparation menu.
- Added Display Identification above Enemy Player’s Head as an option in the Online Settings within the Settings menu.
- Made it possible to pause and resume scrolling texts in the Documents menu.
- Applied font color to highlight segments of the text that explains effects and uses of items in the item descriptions.
- Made changes so that Morale Rank is no longer an activation requirement for Wizardry Spells, but instead acts as a condition that changes the resulting actions of the spell.
- Wizardry Spells can now be casted regardless of Morale Rank.
- For Morale Ranks below the level listed for each spell, the following actions occur:
- Spirit consumption is increased.
- If the spell would apply a positive effect, it will also incur a negative effect that slows down automatic Spirit recovery while the user is in Low Spirit.
- Shortened the startup sequence of deflecting counterattacks when using glaives, spears, staffs, dual swords, dual sabres, or dual halberds.
- Increased the range from which players can perform Fatal Strikes while remaining unnoticed by Changgui.
- Made changes so that pieces of 5★ equipment obtained as a reward for the number of battlefields conquered will have a random chance to be bestowed with one of the Grace set bonuses.
- Made adjustments so that equipment obtained from the accolade reward Chests of Equipment will have a random chance to be bestowed with one of the Grace set bonuses.
- Made downward adjustments to the probability of receiving a Grace set bonus for dropped equipment.
- Made changes so that the following special effects will be activated just after the player’s Fatal Strike sequence has ended:
- Regeneration (upon Fatal Strike)
- Power Gain (upon Fatal Strike)
- Damage Reduction (upon Fatal Strike)
- Spirit Fervor (upon Fatal Strike)
- Made changes so that at times when players are unable to control their characters during missions, processing of all status effects would stop.
- Made changes so that the camera angle adjusts to match the character’s height when they are hit.
- Made changes so that players no longer lose Genuine Qi if they die due to damage not directly inflicted by an attack, such as from status effects, falling, or stage gimmicks.
- Made it impossible to use the item Willow Branch while jumping.
- Made improvements to action synchronization during multiplayer sessions.
- Changed the name of the adjustment field for the Black and White filter in the Photograph menu to Contrast.
- Made adjustments to the camera movement in the Photograph menu.
- Changed the sort order in the Reinforcements menu.
- Changed the confirmation message displayed when exiting the Battle Flag Customization and Character Creation menus.
- Made changes to the name of the Martial Arts technique Dead Foliage (formerly Falling Leaf in English) in some languages.
Major Bug Fixes
- Fixed crash-prone situations that occurred in certain environments.
- Fixed a bug that allowed players to go outside the bounds of the current stage from certain locations in some stages.
- Fixed a bug that caused characters to become stuck (in the ground/surrounding objects) in certain locations in some stages, making it impossible for players to progress.
- Fixed a bug causing the sky to flicker for a moment when the player rested at Battle Flags in some stages.
- Fixed a bug that prevented players from scaling over certain objects in the main battlefield “Centuries of Glory Burned Away” after the game was restarted under certain conditions.
- Fixed a bug that caused unnecessary enemy alert sound effects to play under certain conditions in the main battlefield “Centuries of Glory Burned Away.”
- Fixed a bug that caused reward item rarities to be lower than they should be in the main battlefield “Village of Calamity” in “Path of the Rising Dragon.”
- Fixed a bug in the main battlefield “The Way of the Warrior” in “Path of the Rising Dragon” that prevented players from acquiring Dragon Vein Crystals even if those crystals had not yet been acquired.
- Fixed a bug in the sub battlefield “Escape from the Capital” in which the follower settings for enemies along the player’s path were incorrect.
- Fixed a bug in the sub battlefield “Fate of the Entertainer” in which leaders would not yield appropriate levels of drop rewards after they were defeated.
- Fixed a bug in the sub battlefield “The Request of Goddess Luo” in which destroyed terracotta soldiers would respawn after the player interacted with a Battle Flag.
- Fixed a bug that caused incorrect actions to be performed despite players pressing the input for Summon Divine Beast/Divine Beast Resolution after successfully deflecting against an enemy’s Critical Blow.
- Fixed a bug in which the player’s Martial Arts technique Looming Cloud would not aim toward the enemy when activated.
- Fixed a bug that would cause some bosses who were in Spirit Disruption to immediately recover and return to their normal state.
- Fixed a bug in which the correct elemental affinity was not set for Bo Cai.
- Fixed a bug in which the boss Zhang Liao would perform Critical Blows without consuming Spirit.
- Fixed a bug in which unintended Spirit damage would be inflicted when the boss Zhang Liao’s Critical Blows were deflected.
- Fixed a bug in which the boss Demonized Liu Bei would perform Critical Blows without consuming Spirit.
- Fixed a bug in which the boss Hua Xiong would perform Critical Blows without consuming Spirit.
- Fixed a bug in which the player’s Morale Rank would not fall even when they were hit by Hong Jing’s Critical Blow.
- Fixed a bug occurring when the player used the Wizardry Spell Poison Bubbles, in which the effects of Unseeable Form would be activated.
- Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause the player to remain semi-transparent after the effects of Unseeable Form should have worn off.
- Fixed a bug that occurred when using dual weapons to perform a Fatal Strike against an enemy on the edge of a cliff, in which the action sequence of the attack would cause the player to fall to their death.
- Fixed a bug in which elemental damage was not reduced when guarding immediately after deflecting.
- Fixed a bug preventing certain sounds from playing in THEATER.
- Fixed a bug preventing icons from being displayed during loading in THEATER.
- Fixed a bug in which the amount of HP recovered as a result of the special effect HP Restoration from Melee Attack Damage did not appropriately correspond to the amount of damage inflicted.
- Fixed a bug that would prevent some cutscenes from appearing on the list in the THEATER menu after downloading cross save management data.
- Fixed a bug that occurred when selecting saved data displayed in cross save management uploads/downloads, in which incorrect saved data would be selected instead under certain conditions.
- Fixed a bug that prevented icons indicating newly obtained items from being displayed under certain conditions in the Equipment and Inventory menus.
- Fixed a bug in which enemies’ Spirit gauge during Spirit Disruption would sometimes be displayed incorrectly during online multiplayer sessions.
- Fixed a bug that applied the Ink Painting filter to the screen when exiting the Photograph menu under certain conditions.
- Fixed a bug occurring after dropping an item from the Inventory menu, in which players would sometimes become unable to close the menu and progress.
- Fixed a bug in which the enemy’s detection meter would sometimes not be displayed under certain conditions.
- Fixed a bug in which enemies would sometimes not respawn in their set positions after players interacted with a Battle Flag.
- Fixed a bug that caused death and mission failure after completing the mission, if the player falls from a cliff, etc., and then gets hit by an enemy.
- Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause the game to crash after companions retreated from battle.
- Fixed a bug that caused the aimpoint to go out of the camera frame if the player moved the aimpoint while zooming and aiming a throwing weapon.
- Fixed a bug in which performing the Divine Beast Resonation for Baihu would occasionally activate Summon Divine Beast instead.
- Fixed a glitch in which an enemy’s dead body would get stuck in midair if they had died by falling from higher ground.
- Fixed a bug in which moving the mouse during tutorial videos would cause the game camera to move.
- Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause NPCs’ eyes to glow red after the player lowered their Morale Rank limit by utilizing Inner Discipline at a Battle Flag during a mission.
- Fixed a bug that would occasionally cause characters’ positions to shift significantly after the player changed weapons in the Equipment menu.
- Fixed a bug that would sometimes prevent companions from participating in boss battles.
- Fixed a bug that would inflict the opponent with the hit effects of Molten Calamity Thorn even when the user did not successfully land the attack.
- Fixed a bug in which equipping a weapon enchanted with elemental effects and then performing an Aerial skill would manifest the hit effects of that particular element upon stomping on an enemy.
- Fixed a bug that would sometimes occur after using the item Genuine Qi Crystal, in which the interface displayed an incorrect amount of Genuine Qi obtained instead of what was actually obtained.
- Fixed a bug that would sometimes allow nearby enemies to attack while the player was interacting with Battle Flags in the main battlefield “Decisive Battle of Guandu.”
- Fixed a bug which made it possible for the player to impractically encourage a companion who is about to retreat from battle after they had been defeated and failed to receive aid.
- Fixed a bug in which enemies would sometimes not react to the player if they retained their Battle Flag progress and started a sub mission that had already been completed once.
- Fixed a bug that reset Inner Discipline settings if the player had enabled Inner Discipline during a mission, returned to the title screen without interacting with a Battle Flag, and then returned to the same mission from CONTINUE.
- Fixed a bug allowing players in Recruit and Co-op sessions to obtain Titles that included the condition “Recruit and co-op not permitted.”
- Fixed a bug causing the camera to focus on the forehead when the Cheek Bulge or Cheek Position options were selected in Character Creation.
- Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause the Face Shape settings in Character Creation to be displayed incorrectly when decorations were applied on equipments.
- Fixed a bug that would include the hashtag #Wolong_Code even when sharing screenshots unrelated to Character Creation Codes.
- Fixed a bug occurring when using Martial Arts that continuously consume Spirit while players hold the input, in which the Spirit consumption speed differed depending on the player’s selected frame rate.
- Fixed other minor bugs.
PlayStation®5/PlayStation®4/Xbox Series X|S/Xbox One Versions
Major Bug Fixes
- Reduced rendering time.
This patch brings in the new fist weapon, DLC support, new divine beast, and more. screenshots are below.
Full patch notes and balance adjustments can be found here in English and here in Japanese as usual when Team Ninja updates the pages.
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Battle of Zhongyuan DLC contents
DLC Vol.1 “Battle of Zhongyuan” unfolds the saga of Cao Cao’s army, who, after the collapse of anti-Dong Zhuo coalition, schemes to expand their influence throughout the Zhongyuan region.
Accompanying this epic story are gameplay expansions including new battlefields, weapons, armor, Divine Beast and demons, alongside a more challenging difficulty mode.
- New story chapter “Battle of Zhongyuan”
- New weapon category
- New armor
- New Divine Beast
- New Demons
- Higher-end difficulty mode
It is out now worldwide on its own and also included in the Season Pass. It is priced at $11.99 on its own while the Season Pass is $24.99.
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Battle of Zhongyuan DLC screenshots
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Digital Deluxe Edition contents
The Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Digital Deluxe Edition includes a Season Pass that features three DLC packs. These packs are highlighted by new generals, new demons, new scenarios, new stages, new weapon types, and more. The Digital Deluxe Edition also includes a digital artbook and a digital mini soundtrack. Those who purchase the Digital Deluxe Edition will also be rewarded with the Season Pass/DDX bonus: “Qinglong Armor”.

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Season Pass
The Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Season Pass has the following:
- Battle of Zhongyuan DLC
- Conqueror of Jiangdong DLC
- Upheaval in Jingxiang DLC
- Season Pass Bonus Qinglong Armor
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is out now worldwide on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC platforms including Steam. It is also available in Xbox Game Pass and PC Game Pass.