Monster Hunter World: Iceborne’s final new event quest for a while is live now and it brings Arch tempered Namielle into the game on PS4, Xbox One, and PC through an event for a limited time. Unlike most of the event quests that have low requirements, this one is pretty strict and is meant for experienced players who have made a lot of progress in the post-game for Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. This quest lets you unlock new armor and a pendant. Here’s how to unlock everything from the Arch tempered Namielle event The Distant Dark Tide in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne.
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne The Distant Dark Tide quest unlock requirements
To be able to do the quest, you need to be updated to version 13.50. Once you are updated, you can join or post the quest if you are MR 100 and higher. You need to slay Arch tempered Namielle here to successfully complete the quest to earn rewards.

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Arch tempered Namielle quest what you need to do before to prepare
Arch tempered Namielle hits very hard so make sure you upgrade your armor and augment it to the highest level possible. Capcom raised the level cap recently for armor so make sure you upgrade your gear if you haven’t already. Carry a lot of nulberries, a waterproof mantle, and consider using a cleanser booster. The cleanser booster takes care of the two blights Namielle inflicts you with. You can also eat a nulberry whenever needed. Eating for Felyne Safeguard or Insurance also helps as it lets someone in the party cart an extra time before the quest fails.
Arch tempered Namielle’s weakness is fire so augmented fire weapons will help here. You could also build for a higher raw damage output if you prefer going that route. In terms of your own armor, using gear with high defense against thunder and water will help in the hunt.
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne The Distant Dark Tide quest walkthrough
Arch tempered Namielle is a stronger version of tempered Namielle which is an elder dragon introduced in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. This means it has more health and attack power as is the case with Arch tempered monsters. If you’ve fought only the regular Namielle during the story in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne and not actually spent time hunting tempered Namielle in the guiding lands or in investigations, this quest will be difficult. Make sure you are prepared and then start moving towards Arch tempered Namielle in the Coral Highlands by following the scoutflies.
Arch tempered Namielle will not attack you on sight unless you initiate combat so it makes sense to plant a few Mega Barrel Bombs near the elder dragon. Once you initiate the hunt by attacking, you need to be aware of your surroundings because Namielle will use the various water attacks to flood the area slowly and then try and electrocute you. This inflicts both thunder and water blight and can stun you easily in addition to taking off a lot of your health. You can use brightmoss on some of the water puddles to control how much of an area Namielle will deal damage through.

Before heading to another location in the Coral Highlands, Namielle will do its electricity super nova attack that can cart you in a single shot depending on your defence and armor. It is pretty easy to see when Namielle will do this so make sure you either run far away or farcast out of the area if you aren’t sure you will be able to tank the attack. If you have a temporal mantle or vitality mantle, now is the time to use them if you can’t actually run out of the area in time.
Barring the super nova attack, this hunt isn’t very difficult if you’ve dealt with Namielle before a few times. It is definitely more difficult than the Furious Rajang and Raging Brachydios encounters though. Once you complete the quest, you earn a Namielle Ticket in addition to various Namielle material drops and the usual rewards from high level hunts like Feystones.
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne The Distant Dark Tide Rewards: Namielle Tickets and how to use them
You earn Namielle Ticket(s) through successfully completing The Distant Dark Tide quest. You need five of these to craft the full armor set.

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Namielle Gamma plus armor set requirements
The Namielle Gamma plus armor set has two set bonuses depending on how many armor parts you use. The first is Element Acceleration for two armor parts. This activates Free Element/Ammo Up Level 2 and increases elemental damage when continuously attacking a monster. The second bonus is True Element Acceleration. This requires four parts and it activates Free Element/Ammo Up Level 3. The individual parts and what you need to craft them are as follows:
- Tentacle Cowl Gamma plus: Namielle Ticket x 1, Namielle Finehide x 5, Namielle Hardclaw x 6, Namielle Whisker x 2
- Tentacle Cloak Gamma plus: Namielle Ticket x 1, Namielle Finehide x 5, Namielle Lash x 3, Large Elder Dragon Gem x 1
- Tentacle Gloves Gamma plus: Namielle Ticket x 1, Namielle Finehide x 5, Namielle Fellwing x 5, Namielle Whisker x 2
- Tentacle Coil Gamma plus: Namielle Ticket x 1, Namielle Finehide x 5, Namielle Fellwing x 5, Namielle Hardclaw x 3
- Tentacle Greaves Gamma plus: Namielle Ticket x 1, Namielle Finehide x 5, Namielle Whisker x 3, Large Elder Dragon Gem x 1

The slots and skils in the armor set are below:
- Tentacle Cowl Gamma plus: One level 4 slot and one level 2 slot with Stamina Surge level 3 and Tool Specialist level 1
- Tentacle Cloak Gamma plus: One level 4 slot with Evade Window level 4 and Water Attack level 2
- Tentacle Gloves Gamma plus: One level 4 slot and one level 2 slot with Marathon Runner level 3 and Blight Resistance level 1
- Tentacle Coil Gamma plus: One Level 4 slot and one level 2 slot with Evade Extender level 3 and Recovery Speed level 2
- Tentacle Greaves Gamma plus: One level 4 slot with Constitution level 4 and Thunder Attack level 2
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Arch tempered Namielle Shard pendant unlock
For the first successful hunt completion of The Distant Dark Tide, you earn the Arch tempered Namielle Shared pendant. You don’t need to craft it as it is a reward.
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Arch tempered Namielle layered armor list and materials needed
There are four sets of layered armor you can forge with Namielle Tickets. The list with materials neded is below:
- Black Belt: Namielle Ticket x 1, Black Belt Coin x 3, Spiritvein Slogbone x 5, Hellfire Crystal x 2
- Artian: Namielle Ticket x 1, Ancient Fragment x 3, Spiritvein Slogbone x 5, Daybreak Crystal x 2
- Acrobat: Namielle Ticket x 1, Black BElt Coin x 1, Spiritvein Slogbone x 3, Tempered Cragbone x 2
- Showman: Namielle Ticket x 1, Hero King Coin x 1, Spiritvein Slogbone x 3, Vibrant Crimsonbone x 2
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Arch tempered Namielle event quest end date
As of now, there is no end date because Capcom has extended the availability of all events thanks to the coronavirus pandemic.
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC via Steam.